Best Real Estate Blogging Tips By Google

by | Sep 8, 2021 | Uncategorized

Real estate agents often ask what are the “best real estate blogging tips by Google”?

Even if you already have a blog for your real estate business and website, new tips for better SEO and leads are appreciated. Here are some important tips to make your blogs better in 2021 by Google.

Best Real Estate Blogging Tips by Google


With so much competition amongst real estate blogs these days you need Google to rank you higher in its Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Here are six characteristics your blog needs to stand out:

  1. Helpful – Google places really high value on blog posts they feel are “helpful”;
  2. High-Quality – Google loves high-quality well-written content, so will your viewers;
  3. Subject Expert – Google looks for experts for every subject matter;
  4. Long-Form – SEO gurus (like Neil Patel) recommend at least 2,000 words;
  5. Consistent – Post at least once per week; and
  6. Evergreen – Writing posts relevant for many years stay on top of Google rankings.

Let’s explore these six categories in greater detail.


1. Helpful Blog Posts


Search queries (questions) posed to Google need the most helpful answers. When you type a query in Google you want the best answer quickly. You don’t want to spend time reading articles and web pages to find the answer.

The purpose of Google is to provide the best answers to queries. Therefore, users will click on #1, then #2, and maybe #3 SERPs to compare the best answers.

Studies back this. In 2021, the #1 Google SERP gets clicked 28.5% by users. Google’s #2 SERP gets clicked by 15.7% while the #3 SERP gets clicked by 11%. Source

The most helpful answers to a query get higher rankings than the others.


2. High-Quality Blog Posts


Bill Gates first coined the phrase “Content is King” in an essay he published in 1996 on the Microsoft website titled, “Content is King”. Since then, Google came along and added “Quality” to the phrase.

Thus, SEO experts like Search Engine Watch, claim “Quality Content is King” with Google. Well written high-quality content is important because it:

  • Engages viewers (so they spend more time on the site);
  • Promotes quality links from other sites (authority links); and
  • Increases search engine rankings and traffic.

What Google Says About Quality Content


Detailed useful information answering a search query in the best way amounts to quality content for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes.

Google Guidelines clearly state:

“Put useful content on your page and keep it up to date”.

An Advanced Google Guideline goes even further:

“Create great content”

“Write well and often. A frequently updated site encourages people to return – as long as your content remains relevant and engaging. A useful post once a week is better than low-quality content published daily. A great idea is to search Google for subjects of interest in your field. If you can’t find a good answer, create a blog post about the subject – chances are that other people are searching for the same thing.”


3. Google Explains Subject Expert Blog Posts


Since Google began in 1998 its business model posed three principles for doing business known as the “E-A-T”. It stands for:

  • Expertise – Google wants subject matter experts to provide answers for user search queries;
  • Authority – These experts exert authority; and
  • Trustworthiness – Users trust the expert’s authority.

In 2019, Google published an update to their guidelines emphasizing their “E-A-T”.

What is an expert? According to, an expert is “a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority”.

Anyone can become an expert. Including you because all it takes is to possess knowledge of your subject matter. For example, a real estate agent becomes an expert in a specific city or neighborhood.

For instance, your website promotes yourself as the “expert” in the San Diego Pacific Beach neighborhood. You back it up with facts like how long you sold real estate there, how many properties you sold there, and testimonials from happy clients in Pacific Beach. Thus, you show special knowledge and authority in the Pacific Beach community.


4. Long-Form Blog Posts


SEO guru (he’s an expert) Neil Patel wrote an article titled, “Why You Should Create Long-Form Content”. He recommends long-form blog posts because they:

  • Get you more online visibility (links, social shares);
  • Prove your industry expertise;
  • Prove your authority; and
  • Improved engagements and community building.

Neil Patel showed how a serpIQ study on the average length of Top 10 Google SERPs found that most were over 2,000 words.

He also pointed out that a more recent study by Brian Dean of Backlinko (another SEO expert) concluded that long content outperforms shorter content.

Patel concluded that long-form online content:

  • Keeps viewers on-site longer which is good for SEO; and
  • Shows authority as experts take time to explain things like a knowledgeable educator.


Can I Write Fewer Than 2,000 Words?


Yes, because although Neil Patel recommends at least 2,000 words we found success with less. Thus, many of our blog posts show up as Google Featured Snippets or Top 3 Google SERPs using less than 2,000 words. Source

Likewise, another SEO expert, Hubspot suggested fewer words will work in a recent article titled, “How Long Should Blog Posts Be in 2021?”. Hubspot mentions that 1,000-word blog posts can work if you feel you covered your topic well enough.


5. Consistent Blog Posts


Too many websites and bloggers write once in a while and not in a consistent manner.

Google values fresh content. Websites that haven’t updated their web pages get lower rankings by Google every year they lose freshness. Like a good loaf of bread going stale over time.

In 2011, the Google Freshness algorithm arose “to show the freshest content at the top of the search results”. It distinguished two types of content: those needing freshness and those that don’t. For instance, the latest MLB scores need updating every day. On the other hand, describing a historical event doesn’t.

Yet, for SEO purposes fresh content with a blog adds new pages to a website. These create new links and attract new viewers. New content improves SEO and drives traffic to your website.

Google sends search engine crawlers to every website to find new content. Google calls it “re-indexing” a site that improves SEO for the site based on the new content quality, authority, and trustworthiness. Source

SEO experts found that Google rankings steadily improve when a website adds new content.


6. Evergreen Blog Posts


Evergreen blog posts remain relevant for years. If you write a blog post about “San Diego weather” you should expect the information to remain consistent for many years.

Here is an example of how we achieved both a “Helpful” and an “Evergreen” blog post.

Check out our blog post titled, San Diego Real Estate Closing Costs. Then, go to Google and type this search: “buyer closing costs san diego”. You will see that it is the Google Featured Snippet as this July 2021 screenshot below shows:


Big Block Closing Costs

See the helpful information we provided by listing specific buyer closing costs?

This blog post is also an “evergreen” because we published it in 2017. Four years later it is still the #1 Google SERP, but also a Google Featured Snippet.


Best Real Estate Blogging Tips By Google – Conclusion


Our best real estate blogging tips by Google shows six ways to improve your blog posts for SEO and viewer experiences. Follow these six recommendations to make your blog posts better:

  1. Helpfulness: Help your viewers by teaching or showing the best answers to their search queries;
  2. Quality Content: To teach your viewers about what they seek with quality content;
  3. Expertise: Show your expertise on the subject matter;
  4. Longer Content: Experts carefully explain complex subjects in great detail making viewers remain onsite longer;
  5. Consistent Posts: Once a week posting will keep your site fresh with new content; and
  6. Time Tested Content: Evergreen content remaining relevant for years works best.

Want To Join Big Block Realty in San Diego?

Google highly ranks many of our blog posts. Our 985+ agents rank us very high too!

We do more than publishing blog posts educating real estate agents.

Big Block Realty offers fully transparent (no hidden fees) 100% Commission plans for Realtors in the Greater San Diego area.

Check out our 100% Commission Plans along with our unique support like:

Contact us for more information to learn why our 985+ agents are happy members of our Realtor Family.


Steven Rich, MBA – Guest Blogger


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