Interview with Big Block Co-Founder Oliver Graf

by | May 8, 2023 | Uncategorized

Blog - 100% Real Estate Commissions

In real estate, agents often wonder about the ideal compensation structure. After all, real estate commissions are crucial for an agent’s income, so it’s essential to find the right model.

The traditional approach has been popular for years, but now there’s a new player in the game – the 100% commission model. So, what’s the buzz about this model, and why do agents find it so appealing?

Picture a commission structure that helps agents maximize their earnings while offering freedom, autonomy, and access to top-notch training and support. Sounds great, right?

That’s precisely what the 100% commission model brings to the table. It’s changing the way real estate agents approach their careers.

Today, we’ll discuss the benefits of the 100% commission model and why it’s becoming the best choice for agents in today’s competitive real estate market. Ready to learn how this model can revolutionize your career? Let’s begin.

About Oliver Graf

Before we discuss the 100% commission model, learning from experienced professionals is essential. Meet Oliver Graf, a leading figure in the real estate industry and co-founder of Big Block Realty.

Oliver’s background includes various ventures, from selling fireworks to creating an online couch-selling website. However, real estate became his true passion.

With his business partner, Sam Khorramian, they created Big Block Realty. It’s a real estate brokerage that offers agents the freedom to run their own businesses while providing exceptional training and support.

Today, Big Block Realty has about 1,400 realtors across multiple locations. Oliver’s expertise in marketing, system building, and fulfillment has been instrumental in the company’s rapid growth.

So, who better guides us through the agent benefits of the 100% commission model? Let’s learn from the insights of this accomplished real estate professional.

The Evolution of Real Estate Commissions

Real estate commissions have evolved significantly over time. Let’s trace the development of these structures, highlighting the rise of independent agents and alternative models. Ultimately, we’ll examine the emergence of the 100% commission model.

Historical Context of Commission Structures

In the past, agents typically worked under a commission-split model. They shared a percentage of their sales with the brokerage. This percentage depended on the agent’s experience, market conditions, and brokerage policies.

The Rise of Independent Agents and Alternative Commission Models

As technology advanced, agents gained access to more resources and tools. This led to the emergence of independent agents who sought greater autonomy.

Consequently, alternative commission models surfaced. This offers agents more flexibility and control over their income.

The Emergence of the 100% Commission Model

In response to the growing demand for more independence, the 100% commission model emerged. This innovative structure allows agents to keep their entire commission minus a nominal fee paid to the brokerage. It has quickly gained popularity among agents who desire increased financial freedom and business control.

100% Real Estate Commission 2

Understanding the 100% Commission Model

To fully appreciate the benefits of the 100% commission model, we should understand how it works. Let’s discuss the model’s mechanics, compare it to traditional brokerage models, and examine the role of broker fees.

How the 100% Commission Model Works

Under the 100% commission model, agents retain the entirety of their commission minus a flat fee paid to the brokerage. This fee covers the brokerage’s overhead costs and the support services provided to agents. The model enables agents to maximize their income while enjoying the benefits of a full-service brokerage.

Want to learn more, contact us here.

Comparison with Traditional Real Estate Brokerage Models

In contrast, traditional brokerage models require agents to share a significant portion of their commission with the brokerage. This can limit their income potential.

It also hinders their ability to invest in their own business growth. The 100% commission model addresses these issues. The model offers agents a more financially rewarding and empowering structure.

Role of Real Estate Broker Fees in the 100% Commission Model

The role of real estate broker fees in the 100% commission model is vital. So, agents should learn more about real estate referrals to boost their income.

These fees enable brokerages to cover expenses and provide agents with valuable resources, training, and support. Despite paying a fee, agents still benefit from the opportunity to earn a substantially higher income than traditional commission splits.

Take a look at Big Block Realty’s plans here.

4 Benefits of the 100% Commission Model for Agents

The 100% commission model has much to offer real estate agents. That includes increased income and greater control over their business.

Let’s explore these benefits and explain how they support agents’ growth and success.

1) Increased Real Estate Agent Income

The 100% commission model has the potential to significantly enhance real estate agent income. This allows them to earn more and invest in their business growth.

How the Model Maximizes Profits for Agents

By letting agents keep their entire commission minus a flat fee, they can see a substantial increase in earnings. This financial boost enables them to reinvest in their business. It also expands its marketing efforts and enjoys greater financial freedom.

The Impact of Commission Compression on Agent Compensation

As agent compensation compression occurs in the market, the 100% commission model becomes even more attractive. Agents can maximize their profits in a changing industry and better adapt to fluctuations in market conditions.

2) Greater Autonomy and Control Over One’s Business

The 100% commission model also empowers agents with more control and independence, which can lead to a more personalized and successful business approach.

Freedom in Decision-Making

Agents can make decisions about marketing, client acquisition, and business strategies. All that without interference from the brokerage. This freedom allows them to tailor their approach to suit their needs and preferences better.

The Appeal for Independent Agents

Independent agents are drawn to the 100% commission model due to its flexibility and autonomy. This model offers them the opportunity to excel in their careers.

At the same time, they are unrestricted by traditional commission splits and limitations. Increased autonomy helps agents consider the advice for choosing an agent tailored to client needs.

Oliver Graf 100% Real Estate Commissions Big Block Realty

3) Access to World-Class Training and Support

The 100% commission model often comes with high-quality training and support. This provides agents with the tools they need to excel in their careers.

The Importance of Quality Training in the Real Estate Industry

Quality training is crucial in the real estate industry. It helps agents stay up-to-date with market trends, master new strategies, and navigate complex transactions. Access to top-notch training can give agents a competitive edge and contribute to their long-term success.

Oliver Graf’s Emphasis On Supporting Agents

Oliver Graf, the co-founder of Big Block Realty, highlights the importance of providing agents with exceptional support, training, and freedom. By offering these resources, brokerages can empower agents to deliver maximum value to their clients and grow their businesses.

4) Adaptability in a Changing Market

The 100% commission model is well-suited to adapt to changes in the real estate market. This ensures agents can thrive even during times of uncertainty.

The Role of the 100% Commission Model in Adapting to Market Changes

The flexibility of the 100% commission model allows agents to adjust their business strategies. It also allows them to stay competitive in a constantly evolving market. This adaptability is crucial for agents to successfully maintain their income and navigate market fluctuations.

Oliver Graf’s Insights on Real Estate Commissions

Oliver Graf shares his perspective on the future of real estate commissions. He suggests the industry shift toward models like the 100% commission structure. As commission compression continues, models that allow agents to maximize their profits will likely become even more appealing and sustainable.

Challenges and Considerations for Agents

While the 100% commission model offers numerous benefits, it’s essential for agents to carefully consider potential challenges. They need to weigh their options before making a decision.

Staying Focused on the Main Mission

Staying focused on the main goal is crucial. Agents must prioritize effective lead generation for real estate agents to succeed in the long run.

Therefore, agents should avoid distractions and clearly focus on their primary objectives to succeed in their real estate careers. As Oliver Graf suggested, having a contract with oneself or a coach can help agents stay on track. With this, they can concentrate on their primary mission.

Importance of Local Market Focus

Agents must stay informed about their local real estate market. They must not be swayed by nationwide trends. Why?

Because different markets may have unique dynamics. By focusing on their local market, agents can make better decisions and provide more accurate advice to clients.

Weighing the Costs and Benefits

Lastly, agents should consider the real estate broker fees involved in the 100% commission model. They must evaluate whether the model aligns with their individual goals and preferences.

While the 100% commission model can be highly advantageous for many agents, weighing the trade-offs is essential. They must determine if it’s the right choice for one’s career trajectory.


In general, the 100% real estate commissions model is revolutionizing the real estate industry. As highlighted by Oliver Graf in the Icons of Real Estate podcast, this model offers agents various benefits. They can maximize income, gain more control, and adapt to the ever-changing market.

Oliver’s insights underscore the importance of quality training, support, and staying focused on one’s mission. While weighing the costs and benefits, agents should consider their goals and preferences. Overall, the 100% commission model is a promising alternative for agents seeking a more rewarding and autonomous career in real estate.



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